Painting for the Bedroom: Which Color To Choose?

The bedroom can take many faces. And this is played with a few brushstrokes. But in what color do you paint the walls of this bedroom dedicated to rest? Do not worry, we recommend you in pictures with this selection of paintings for the bedroom!bedroom colors

The bedroom is an intimate bedroom, a cocoon in which one must feel good. She must correspond to us. For that, it is necessary to choose the color trends of its walls. A bedroom rather cool and light? Rather bourgeois and chic? Pop and dynamic? Nature and Zen? Cozy or bohemian? Everything depends on the style that we obviously appreciate but also the atmosphere that we want to have when waking up and lying down because it is the first that we discover by opening our eyes and the last to take away in our sleep. You can play with many colors and let your creativity speak with a few well-placed brush strokes and a cleverly selected painting. A tone for the whole bedroom, on a single wall, for a detail, plain, gradient, striped… Just dare!

Scree Painting by Little Greene

  • To give a spirit of lightness it is better to go towards light tones, even pastel. Shades of blue, coral or pink seem ideal to bring freshness to a sleeping area.
  • For a more boudoir effect, we opt for dark tones like pretty shades of burgundy, purple or taupe in satin or shiny ranges.
  • For a rhythmic and sparkling bedroom, we do not hesitate to bet on bright colors: blue, green, pink, yellow, let’s be crazy! We avoid all the same total look that can become boring over time. Moreover, with the red, it is better to focus on small touches here and there because even if it is the color of passion, a bright red, in high doses, tends to shrink the bedroom and can become scary.
  • For a natural bedroom, we opt for neutral tones like shades of white or beige mixed with touches of green and we aim for sanded coatings or matt paints.
  • If you want a more contemporary night space, you can bet on satin textures in gray, white or black.
  • Lovers of the industrial style can opt for original plasters and metallic paints.
  • For the most girly, the rose can be used in all its nuances.
  • For the less adventurous, you should know that the tones of blue and taupe always work perfectly. And for the bravest, mix your paintings with wallpaper. In short, take the time to discover our selection of paint and find your happiness!

Pay attention to the symbolic and the effects returned by the colors

First, cold colors and pastel shades are the ones to favor in order to facilitate sleep. In addition, it is important to choose the colors of your bedroom according to its surface. If you want to give more volume to this piece, prefer neutral and natural tones such as ivory, pearl gray or linen. In this case and thanks to these colors that you can decline in a shades, you will create a soft and serene cocoon. If, on the contrary, your bedroom is very spacious and if it makes it cold, use deeper colors, such as chocolate, blue intense or red, to make it more cozy. Red, let’s talk about it! At first glance, it’s not a soothing, but rather energetic color. On the other hand, symbol of love, this color is ideal to create a glamorous atmosphere.

Use colors in a bedroom

Aside from painting the walls of your bedroom, you can add touches of color with furniture, decorative shelves, headboards and bed linens, a plaid, curtains, bed runners, bedside lamps… and other decorative elements. For example, if you have opted for natural tones by choosing the color of your bedroom, do not hesitate to bring more sustained touches with decorative elements, as well as with furniture if you want to bring strong points of contrasts. On the contrary, if you prefer softer atmospheres, but equally harmonious, you can decline all the elements of your bedroom in the same tones.

Match colors in a bedroom

You opted for a glamorous and sexy atmosphere thanks to the red color? Take care to associate it to not have a garish effect, in opposition to the objective sought in a bedroom. To avoid missteps, reinforce the red color with a dark wood floor and nightstands. To lighten and soften the look, bring a central point of light with a bed of natural light color, with light touches of red abseiling. Finally, bring light and delicate decorative elements. Conversely, if you prefer soft and cool tones like pastel blue, enhance the mood of your bedroom with touches of chocolate and a cream-colored bed linen.

Quynh Luu Phuong Pham

Author and editor. I write about Interior designs, Beauty tips, IT services for business, Real estate and foreign trade. Strongly passionate about games, comics, art, literature, design, fashion and decoration, I will tell you in detail the best stories in the world of beauty and will guide you through the most popular trends of the moment.