7 TOP Carpet Trends 2025

After almost three years of restrictions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, human life is gradually returning to its usual course, filled with personal, family, friendly and business meetings. Therefore, it’s time to discuss current trends in the design of living space in 2025.

Carpet Trends 2025

How much have carpet design trends changed compared to 2023-2024?

Leading designers and decorators believe that people still strive for eco-style and comfort, which are inextricably linked with natural materials (wool and silk) and handmade. But whether the preferences in the ornamental style or shades have changed, we will try to reveal in this review.

For example, after reading it to the end, you can find out which carpet color trends was chosen by designers as a symbol of 2025.

Carpet trends 2025: abstract drawing – no. 1 pattern for the next 5-10 years

Carpet Trends 2025

Abstract carpets are some of the trendiest in 2024-2025. According to leading decorators, they will remain at the peak of popularity in the current decade. Going beyond the subject art, such a carpet allows you to decorate the interior even brighter and more original, emphasizing the exceptional sense of taste of its owner.

This is a universal tool that can be ethnic, monochrome, bright futuristic, and also contain a variety of shades.

An abstract carpet opens up almost limitless scope for experimentation. It is multifaceted, attracts and holds attention and, of course, is self-sufficient in any interior.

Carpet ideas 2025: Individuality above all

Carpet ideas 2025:

If this is your motto, then pay attention to designer carpets, which in 2025 have become even more expressive and unique. Elite canvases from this category are created according to author’s sketches from leading designers and are considered a work of art. They are distinguished by a unique ornament, unique colors, as well as non-standard pile processing (for example, burning or embossed haircut). In addition, they are able to transform and revive even the most ordinary interior, adding luxury and comfort to it.

Designer carpets are a challenge for those who are not afraid of self-expression and embody their visions of beauty and comfort in a space that turns into a zone of attraction and enjoyment of art, and such an interior will definitely not leave anyone indifferent!

Individuality is also a trend, so to speak!

2025 carpet trends: the pursuit of conciseness and serenity

2025 carpet trends

When is this approach most needed? For example, when decorating a bedroom. If the trends for the living room are most often brightness and extravagance, then for the bedroom, designers still focus on calm colors. A monochrome carpet made of wool and silk in shades of beige or gray perfectly copes with this task, which can become a highlight of a classic or modern interior. This is a win-win option for a room in the popular Scandinavian style.

However, do not limit yourself. Modern trends have gone beyond one room and style. A solid color rug can add serenity and coziness to a bedroom or become a vibrant accent in a living room. It all depends on the chosen color scheme and the preferences of the inhabitants of the house.

Carpet colors 2025: more earthy tones

Carpet colors 2025

Back in 2023, at one of the London exhibitions, a palette of earthy shades (sand, ocher, terracotta, spices) was presented. They immediately entered the top of the most frequently used colors in interior design. For example, terracotta carpets began to appear in modern living rooms and bedrooms. They look home-like cozy, but at the same time incredibly stylish.

In 2025, the number of earth colors in the palette has increased markedly. Carpets are dyed in golden yellow, olive green, warm rusty and clay hues. Such canvases create a warm atmosphere, evoke pleasant emotions and bring a sense of harmony to the interior.

Carpet design 2025: vintage is still in fashion

Carpet design 2025

Vintage carpets are timeless classics that have reached a new fashion peak in recent years. Such canvases allow you to look back in time and enjoy the ornament of a bygone era. And, thanks to the incomparable quality of handmade, rich colors and a variety of thematic patterns, they fit perfectly into the modern interiors of apartments and country houses.

Provence, loft, eclectic, classic and even Scandinavian style – these are just some of the interiors in which vintage carpets will look amazing, filling the room with a sense of comfort and nostalgia.

Carpets 2025: trendy practicality and durability

Carpets 2025

There is nothing wrong with emphasizing practicality.

Handmade carpets are, as a rule, carpets with a high degree of wear resistance, they will last for decades, if properly used, and this is one of the main factors, apart from the aesthetic component, of their popularity.

In addition, there are carpets that can be laid in areas where there is an increased degree of exploitation, such as public areas, hallways, playrooms, and so on. Here it is preferable to use woolen carpets, low-cut or lint-free carpets (kilims and sumakhs), which are distinguished by a unique ornament, both traditional authentic and modern author’s.

In any case, this is the right choice towards creating the most comfortable and practical interior. Practicality doesn’t mean lack of artistic value when it comes to handmade rugs!

New carpets for 2025 – carmine red carpets

New carpets for 2025

Viva Magenta is the scientific name for the color chosen by Pantone as the symbol of 2023. Designers use the name of the natural dye carmine, which in terms of content includes shades of red-pink and is considered one of the brightest and most powerful in the world.

  • “It’s a powerful, inspiring and fearless color.”
  • “This is a new red shade that is associated with pure joy and opens up space for experimentation and self-expression in the interior.”
  • “It perfectly matches the rebellious spirit of recent years – pulsating, explosive.”

That’s what leading designers say about him. We can safely say that carpets, in the color scheme of which there are shades of carmine, will become a bright, powerful accent in a modern laconic interior.

Quynh Luu Phuong Pham

Author and editor. I write about Interior designs, Beauty tips, IT services for business, Real estate and foreign trade. Strongly passionate about games, comics, art, literature, design, fashion and decoration, I will tell you in detail the best stories in the world of beauty and will guide you through the most popular trends of the moment.