Kitchen Design Trends In 2025

Kitchen Design Trends In 2025

What should a good modern kitchen look like? What comes first today – beauty or functionality? What colors, textures, textures and shapes are trending in kitchen design in 2025? Let’s talk about the main kitchen trends in this article.

General focus

The main trend in kitchen design today is simplicity and practicality, which relies on the versatility of furniture and rooms. This year, bright, flashy shades, complex shapes and decorative excesses are no longer so relevant. The world strives for simplicity, conciseness, and this is especially noticeable in the design of kitchens: just look at the photos in interior magazines to pay attention to this trend. But does this mean that classics with their luxury or kitchens with curved facades are no longer popular? Of course not. In the kitchens that are relevant today, there was a place for these solutions, but they no longer look the same as they did twenty or even ten years ago. Let’s take a closer look at the trends for 2025.

Natural materials

Kitchen Design Trends In 2025

Perhaps this is one of the most noticeable trends, not only in 2025, but also in the last few years. Paradoxical as it may seem, but with the development of technological progress, people are increasingly drawn to nature, everything natural and natural. Hence the desire to combine style solutions with natural materials and their imitation in a modern functional kitchen. How do they look today?

Kitchens made from natural materials

Kitchen Design Trends In 2025

  • Kitchens made entirely of wood are now rarely seen. And the point is not at all the high price of the material, as many might think. Yes, natural wood is really expensive, but high-quality chipboard or MDF is unlikely to be cheaper. The reason is that real wood is a more finicky, difficult-to-maintain material, especially when it comes to large items. So that it does not deform, it is necessary to avoid changes in humidity and temperature, which is almost impossible in a kitchen. That is why, as a rule, preference is given to veneer: this is a thin slice of wood, which is covered with MDF or chipboard. The result is a natural material that is more resistant to external influences. And from the array, facade frames can be executed.
  • Natural stone is also used less frequently. Yes, it looks really beautiful, and it’s hard to imagine something more eco-friendly for decorating a countertop or an apron. However, it has a number of disadvantages. For example, it often demonstrates poor resistance to mechanical damage, it is easily stained (for example, when cherry juice, beetroot, turmeric, etc., get in). It often contains natural cracks and is almost impossible to repair if damaged. Therefore, more and more often, an artificial stone made on the basis of real minerals and acrylic resin is used as an analogue. The combination of these components results in a durable, less whimsical, versatile material that can be of almost any color thanks to the color pigments.
  • Natural – in the decor. It is in the decorative elements in the kitchen that you can fearlessly use completely natural materials. These are textiles (for example, linen tablecloths or towels), and all kinds of wooden coasters (for mugs, plates or towels, etc.), and serving boards made of thin slices of natural stone, such as slate. Plants are also relevant, and not necessarily green: dried flowers are perfect for the kitchen.

Muted shades

Kitchen Design Trends In 2025

Gone are the days when bright red or deep green kitchens were in trend. In 2025, calm shades are relevant. It is better if these are natural colors: like natural materials, they are in trend today. These are complex shades that look expensive and stylish and that you want to look at. In 2025, the following options are especially relevant.

  • Blue and cyan. Natural colors that remind of water or sky. They can be used both in large volume, making, for example, the entire kitchen set blue, and as an accent, including in combination with warm basic shades or woody ones.
  • Green. Another natural color associated with grass or tree crowns. Dark green, light olive and many other shades are relevant – it is very easy to choose the right option for your taste.
  • Grey. The color of natural stone, solid, stable, giving confidence and peace. A versatile option that can be combined with both warm and cold colors. This is an excellent base for the interior, which has a huge number of shades.
  • Beige. The soothing color of warm sand, allowing you to relax and unwind in the cacophony of the modern city. Not so long ago, it was considered boring, the choice of people without imagination who are afraid of brighter shades. The reason is that at some point this color became too common and could be found in almost every kitchen. However, today it is once again regaining its position in the list of trends: the beige kitchen looks great, does not bother and, with proper decoration, remains relevant longer than others.
  • White. This is a classic out of time, fashion and trends. White goes well with other colors, visually makes the room more spacious and brighter, which is especially important when there is a lack of natural light or a modest size of the room.
  • Terracotta. This is another natural shade, the color of clay and earth, which has not lost popularity for more than one season. Kitchens with elements of wood and brown-terracotta tones can be seen in the photo in many magazines. Shades can be light and dark, warm and cold – you choose.

Bright accents of actual colors

Sophisticated muted colors are the basis for the design of a modern kitchen. But this does not mean that bright colors should not be. The combination of neutral natural colors and the dosed addition of bright accents will create a modern interior for your home. What accent options can you choose? Here, focus on the actual colors.

  • Orange and yellow. For example, ocher, terracotta, brick, clay and many other shades – they are still natural, but already brighter.
  • Red. These are burgundy, garnet and other dark, rich, deep shades. They play the role of accents perfectly.
  • Black. This is a universal option that does not lose its relevance in design. This year, it is recommended to choose not classic black, but its more complex options: graphite, blue-black and others.
  • metalized elements. Handles, profiles, bar supports, metal shelves and shelving systems are stylish, practical and modern.

Yellow metal

Kitchen Design 2025

It is in demand both in furniture fittings and in decor. And it does not matter in what style the kitchen is made: classic or modern. Yellow metal is relevant in interior design: lamps, cutlery – everything that creates comfort in the kitchen space can be made in the color of gold, copper and other warm metals.

A combination of two colors, textures or textures

Kitchen Design 2025

The use of two shades, textures or textures is another design solution that is in demand today. It can be a combination of white and black, white and wood, blue and beige – the number of ideas is endless. Opportunities are also wide for the arrangement of flowers in the kitchen. You can “frame” one color with another, for example, making the headset light in the center and dark at the edges, create a contrasting bottom and top, or add vertical stripes. An experienced manager-designer will be able to choose the best combination for any room. Just look at the photos of the headsets to be convinced of this.

Classic and unusual shapes

  • Radius facades. We have already mentioned radius headsets with rounded facades. A few years ago, such forms were considered a relic of the past, but today they are back in trend and are one of the most popular design solutions. Not everyone likes strict forms and right angles. This option allows you to visually make the interior softer, more pleasing to the eye.
  • Simple forms. However, familiar kitchens with rectangular designs are still very popular. For example, minimalist options, devoid of decor, which do not attract undue attention.

Built-in appliances

Kitchen Design 2025

Today, built-in appliances are still popular, which do not violate the harmony of the kitchen space. When possible, the refrigerator is hidden behind the facade, as is the dishwasher, and a built-in hob and oven are preferred to a free-standing stove. It is preferable that it be a mono-brand technique from one collection, otherwise it may be difficult to choose it in such a way that the design and shades match. Even black and white can be very different, and when choosing a technique, you will see for yourself. However, this trend also has exceptions. For example, if it is a stylish design technique that fits perfectly into the interior, it can be freestanding. Matte technology is the most relevant today: the combination of brushed metal and glossy glass gives additional depth and dynamics to the interior.

Small functional work area

In the modern world, many people use delivery services more often than they cook on their own – they simply do not need an abundance of equipment and a large work surface. And this feature could not but influence the trends. Today, small, concise kitchens are relevant, but at the same time, everything in them should be functional. Of course, this does not apply to cases where the owner of the kitchen cooks a lot himself and he really needs a large set with a wide worktop and large storage areas.


Kitchen Design 2025

This is one of the main trends in modern kitchen design. It can hardly be called new: the desire to make the headset and space functional has always been relevant. But it is precisely today that the primacy of content, not form, is especially noticeable. A large number of decorative elements that do not perform any practical function have gone into the background. And that is why now more than ever there is a demand for numerous systems and mechanisms that facilitate the use of the kitchen, as well as decor that performs both an aesthetic and a practical function.

Comfortable kitchens

Kitchen Trends 2025The desire for total comfort has given rise to another trend – the versatility of the premises. A kitchen that turns into a living room, a dining table with built-in sockets and chargers that can easily replace a worker, placement of washing equipment in the kitchen – all this is with us for a long time.

Open storage

Kitchen Trends 2025

Another long-lived trend. Replacing closed cabinets with open shelves is a bold decision that will require great neatness and cleanliness from kitchen users in the future. However, open shelves look really very stylish, and in order to facilitate operation, designers offer to make open shelves closed. Everything deliberately exposed is easily hidden by glass, which will preserve the appearance, but simplify life. It is very important not to litter open sections and place only the most necessary things in these storage areas, what you use daily. Then dust will not accumulate there, and the cleaning area will increase slightly.

A mixture of classic and modern, current styles

Kitchen Trends 2025

What style to decorate the kitchen in 2025? The hottest trend today is mixing classic style with modern. For example, the use of the integrated Gola profile when working with kitchens in classic and neoclassical styles. Since the main trends are functionality and practicality, minimalism and scandi are also obvious options. However, the choice of actual styles is actually much wider. So, this year the following solutions are in trend.

  • Scandinavian style. Functionality is its calling card. And also light shades, an abundance of natural materials, the absence of useless decor and, of course, the famous combination of white or gray and wood – all this is fully consistent with the trends that we described above. The Scandinavian style has been popular for more than a year, and today it still remains in demand.
  • Minimalism. Nothing superfluous is the main feature of this style. The absence of handles on the facades, open shelves, decorative elements – all this makes it easier to care for the kitchen set and maintain order. And of course, such furniture looks very beautiful not only on the pages of magazines, where the decor “makes” the picture, but also in life.
  • Neoclassic. Classic headsets will never go out of fashion, but today customers themselves prefer neoclassicism. In 2025, elegant classic forms, cornices and moldings, decorative panels and stained glass windows are still popular. But today it is no longer the pompous luxury that was in vogue a few decades ago. Neoclassic is its lightweight version, relevant for both large rooms and small kitchens in city apartments. Using ultra-modern decor or functional components, like the already mentioned Gola profile, will allow you to find the most reasonable solution.
  • Loft. Having slightly lost its position in recent years, today the loft is again in demand. The most important thing in this style is the naturalness of all elements. Real brickwork, concrete, not its imitation (remember the 2025 trend for natural materials, right?). To some extent, this also applies to the loft.
  • Outdoor cuisines are also at the peak of popularity. They can be made in any style. Many designers and manufacturers offer to make the kitchen mobile – with mobile units on wheels, fully equipped with everything you need. They can be moved both indoors and used as an outdoor cooking zone in country houses.

Current layouts

There are no restrictions here, the choice of the layout of the kitchen set is only a matter of convenience, the preferences of a particular buyer. For several years now, straight kitchens have been in fashion, they are still in demand in 2025. However, if you choose a corner or U-shaped layout, this does not mean that your home will no longer be stylish and modern. Still in fashion are additional elements that increase the functionality of the headset, for example, an island or a peninsula.

As well as the ability to use space and furniture not only for cooking and eating: mixing functionality in the premises allows you to work, relax, cook, receive guests. You move in space, feeling as comfortable as possible. However, it is worth abandoning a large number of additional elements that were popular until recently (for example, in the design of racks – from numerous coasters for fruits, glasses and other things). They do not fit into modern trends, where minimalism rules, and most often they are not used yet.


Current trends successfully adapt to the consumer: a modern kitchen is primarily about versatility and comfort. The design managers of the Maria Company know everything about the trends of 2025 and are ready to develop a kitchen project for you that fully corresponds to them, and also meets your ideas about the ideal set. Visit any of our Kitchen Studios to learn more about our work and order a design project now. You can also do this online by leaving a request on the site.

Quynh Luu Phuong Pham

Author and editor. I write about Interior designs, Beauty tips, IT services for business, Real estate and foreign trade. Strongly passionate about games, comics, art, literature, design, fashion and decoration, I will tell you in detail the best stories in the world of beauty and will guide you through the most popular trends of the moment.