Decoration Trends That Will Triumph in 2025

As every year, the interior designers have started making their bets to renew the stays of the home. Know your recommendations to transform roofs, bathrooms, kitchens and more.

triumph decoration trends 2020

This 2025, the roof will stop being the big one ignored. Wallpaper and moldings will give weight in the decoration. On the other hand, the gold will reach the bathrooms, to highlight faucets and mirrors, while glassware and sliding doors, will maintain the connection between the internal and external areas of the house. The design trends are well defined this year. Give prominence to colors, materials and certain details, such as framed pictures, which will return to enhance the beauty of the receivers. Do you want to renew? Guide yourself to the latest fashion trends.

New proposals for interior decoration

To get a modern finish, discard the solid nuances. Instead they experiment incorporating the yellow pineapple into small pieces or complements. Choose dark blues for your walls and bathrooms. You will create a depth effect and bring a touch of freshness. Balances with a millennial rose on the furniture and contrasts with a green oil in the kitchen cupboards. It is an irreverent mix, but it is loaded with style and topicality.

Independence arrives with glass doors

2024 caught us with a wave of open and harmonious spaces, which gave a feeling of spaciousness. However, this year the independence comes to “reclaim” some of the attention that has been removed. Far from “breaking” with the previous trend, it leads to a greater degree of perfection. That is, it provides a visual sequence, incorporating glass doors that preserve clarity, but add privacy. The result is elegant and very seductive.

The bathroom takes a more neutral appearance

Simple and straight cuts will be the most quoted for bathroom furniture. The domotics is fused with a decoration in grayish or snowy tones. The personality note is put on the pieces in wood, wicker and other natural elements.

A romantic and natural finish is pursued. Therefore, the options in wallpaper incorporate vegetal designs that emulate bananas and foliage. The faucets are painted gold, like mirrors. Consequently, they acquire more sophistication.

Ceilings and lightings become visual focal points

When contemplating the decoration of each room, the ceilings are often overlooked. However, this will change over the course of the year. The recommendation of the specialists is to cover them with wallpaper, moldings in plaster and / or enamels of seductive colors, to create a visual impact. The luminaries will give much to talk about. They will be voluminous, with materials such as glass and steel, and with very marked silhouettes, alluding to nature.

The kitchen is nourished by colors

Immaculate white defined the “stomach” of the home for a long time. But with 2025 that trend finally expired. The gray comes to give amplitude, taking over the low furniture. It may not be banished from all the white, but it is clear that it will be reserved only for the upper cupboards.

Both the navy blue and the black will gain some distance in this room, making themselves noticed in cabinets and accessories.  On the other hand, materials that resemble the oxide of steel, stone or cement, will be integrated to give a vintage air very well worked.

In order that the amplitude is not mere illusion, the storage areas will be minimized. In such a way, that they are only those that are strictly necessary. The area will be cleared for cooking, washing and preparing food. In turn, the vinyl carpet will be an element that will enjoy great popularity.

French and Italian influences say present

The furniture inspired by the Italian and French cultures, promises to fall in love in 2025. Its elegance is reflected in the velvety upholstery, with a glossy lacquer, and in the curved lines that give a more stately and distinguished appearance. As of royalty. One of the fundamental pieces will be the sofa, since it will have greater depth and proportion. The interior designers will use it to create environments for sharing.

Minimalism refuses to die

For the more demure and conservative, minimalism will be maintained. The wallpaper will remain, but with more delicate geometries and in neutral tones, with some sparkle of color. To contrast, frames with steel frames and one or more wicker hairs will be used, in some corner, to give warmth to the rooms.

Nature will remain a plus

Nature will be made tangible through animals and plants, which will be transferred to several elements. Lovers of Japanese trends can turn to moss balls or bonsai to create interior gardens. The cactus will be another alternative for those who prefer species that are easy to maintain.

In short, there are many ideas that have been exposed so far. It is not that you all join, but that you walk through them and find the inspiration you need to make a change to the home. What the new year will be so that you reinvent your spaces.

10 decoration trends that will triumph this autumn-winter 2021-2022 season

Quynh Luu Phuong Pham

Author and editor. I write about Interior designs, Beauty tips, IT services for business, Real estate and foreign trade. Strongly passionate about games, comics, art, literature, design, fashion and decoration, I will tell you in detail the best stories in the world of beauty and will guide you through the most popular trends of the moment.