How to Decorate Your Home for New Year 2023

How to Decorate Your Home for New Year 2023 “When you meet the New Year, you will spend it.” We may not believe in omens, but we always work hard. Meet January 1 – Meet a special person in a special setting. In today’s article about interior design, you will learn how to decorate your home for the New Year so that it brings a lot of joy to you and your loved ones and matches the spirit of the coming year.

Popular Ideas for Home Decoration in the New YearHow to Decorate Your Home for New Year 2023

Designers and decorators recommend using Christmas decorations at home, which are made of materials and colors that are as close to nature as possible. But it is worth supplementing them with elements symbolizing luxury and wealth.

For example, in the fashionable concept of New Year’s decor today there is a tendency to decorate interiors with the colors of the winter forest – green, white and brown. Typically, this ratio is chosen as a background, under which bright and juicy accessories in red, gold and purple tones look particularly advantageous.

As for the details of the 2023 New Year decorations, the elements symbolize the comfort and warmth of the fireplace:

  1. Natural or electronic candles;
  2. New Year’s crafts made of wood and paper;
  3. garlands, garlands and other New Year decorations made from fragrant natural materials (needles, basil, cinnamon sticks, etc.);
  4. gingerbread or dollhouses;
  5. old calendars and collage postcards;
  6. images of animals, children, Santa Claus, sleigh and many other people. Etc.

Of course, this is not the only way to celebrate the New Year. Do you want something unusual? More dynamic and modern? Then see the TOP 5 popular ideas on how to decorate a house for the New Year 2023.

Christmas interior decoration-TOP-5 styles and photos

For those who want to make friends with the Fire Monkey, the best choice for Christmas decorations is the one described above. For those who do not want to follow the trend, we have collected 5 trends in the design of the New Year’s interior in 2023. They are designed for different tastes and moods and will undoubtedly help make this holiday more memorable.

5. New Year’s spring interior style – why not?How to Decorate Your Home for New Year 2023

Are you one of those people who can’t stand winter? So why not make the anticipation of spring more interesting? Christmas decorations with flowers, leaves, forest animals and birds are becoming more and more popular every year. The only problem is that cool white, silver and blue colors should be used in this style of home decoration to keep the wonderful atmosphere of the New Year.

The photos below will help you make sure these items are compatible. After all, spring, like the New Year, is a symbol of rebirth and the beginning of a new life.

4. Metal decorations that highlight the New YearHow to Decorate Your Home for New Year 2023

At the peak of popularity, jewelry made of gold, copper and other warm metallic tones. The last few years have clearly not abandoned their positions. Their brilliance and warmth are ideal for decorating your home for the New Year, but combined with soft tones of pink, mint and turquoise, they look especially advantageous and unexpected this holiday.

3. Christmas mysterious house decorationHow to Decorate Your Home for New Year 2023

For some, New Year and Christmas are good children’s tales. Do you like to watch nights on farms? Then you might like this fascinating and mysterious Christmas decoration.

This style is based on deep and dark tones. Many sparkling decorations and expressive textures create a cheerful holiday atmosphere. The contrast between matte and gloss, roughness and softness is what matters.

2. Bright Christmas decoration inspired by birdsHow to Decorate Your Home for New Year 2023

In accordance with this trend, the traditional animal symbols of winter – deer, bear and owl – are being replaced by birds. But it’s not easy! The bright color of the peacock is recognized as one of the upcoming trends of 2023, why not use it as a home improvement theme for the New Year?

1. Christmas creative modern interior decoration with retro elementsHow to Decorate Your Home for New Year 2023

Modern For lovers of design, trendy geometric patterns and bold colors, this style of New Year’s interior decoration is especially suitable for you! Choose a bold color scheme to suit your tastes, use contemporary décor, and add glitter and cute retro details. They look very chic in a stylish modern setting and at the same time evoke a pleasant feeling of nostalgia.

Christmas decor trends 2023

The New Year is rushing towards us, which means it’s time to advance towards it! Let’s start with one of the most exciting and enjoyable rituals – the festive decoration of the house.

We will tell you how to decorate the interior in accordance with the trends of 2023.

1.     Eco-friendlyHow to Decorate Your Home for New Year 2023

Environmental friendliness is a trend that has firmly and permanently captured our minds and interiors. However, in trying to follow this trend, it is important to remember that environmental friendliness is not only and not so much about decorating a house exclusively with fir cones and homemade bark crafts, but above all about conscious consumption and the rejection of thoughtless “shopaholism”. By the way, it is during the New Year holidays that we “overgrow” with a mass of unnecessary souvenirs and wrapping paper that clutters up our house, and then decomposes in landfills for hundreds of years. It is more logical and more environmentally friendly to use decor made of wood, paper or glass. The same advice for gift wrapping: craft paper, twine, pages from fashion magazines and newspapers can all be used to decorate gifts yourself and save money.

If you are one of those who have not decided which Christmas tree to put: live or artificial, we offer several eco-friendly, but no less stylish alternatives to the main New Year’s attribute.

Live plants in pots and tubs.

Araucaria, cypress, thuja, juniper and even a rosemary bush can be easily grown as indoor plants, and for the New Year it is enough to decorate with toys and decorate with tinsel. This decision will save you from the worries of both the felled tree and the carbon footprint of the artificial Christmas tree.

Decor from fir branches.

If your New Year must smell like spruce and tangerines, then Christmas wreaths or bouquets of fir branches, which can be bought at any New Year’s market, can be a great alternative to a living tree. The easiest way is to put them in a vase and decorate with a few balls. A more sophisticated decor involves the use of other, ideally also environmentally friendly materials: cones, star anise, cinnamon sticks and dried orange rings. On the Internet, you can find a huge number of master classes and tutorials on making Christmas wreaths, choose based on your preferences and capabilities.

Art objects and installations.

A little creativity, and the absence of a standard Christmas tree turns into a great opportunity to decorate the interior with a man-made art object. For example, a Christmas tree can be printed on paper and hung on the wall. And you can buy fabric paints and draw a Christmas tree on the canvas with the whole family. Another eco-friendly option is a “Christmas tree” made of wooden slats. Blanks can be purchased at a specialized store, and then independently assembled and painted. The beauty of such a Christmas tree is that you can choose the color of the festive “tree” yourself so that it harmoniously fits into the interior. In a word, anything can become an alternative to a live Christmas tree if you have imagination, the main thing is to approach the process creatively.

2. Monochrome decorHow to Decorate Your Home for New Year 2023

Traditional New Year’s decor involves a variety of colors and lights. But decorators are sure that more in this case does not mean better. A stylish New Year’s interior can be made even in one color. But what shades are in trend, we will tell further.

The Pontone Color Institute has already decided on the main color of the year 2022. They became Very Peri – blue with a purple-red tint. Pantone noted that “curious and intriguing” Very Peri is “a symbol of the global zeitgeist and transition.” This color, according to the institute, helps to accept the “altered landscape of opportunities” and opens up a “new vision”. If you want to be in trend – decorate your interior in the most fashionable color of the coming year.

According to the Chinese calendar, 2022 is the year of the blue water tiger, which means that decor in blue shades will be a win-win option. The classic combination of white, blue and blue will plunge the house into a frosty fairy tale. You can add bright accents, but without them the decor will look harmonious. If you prefer calm cold tones in the interior, then light blue decorations are ideal for New Year’s decor.

White Christmas is one of the most popular interior trends in the Scandinavian countries. Maximum “air” and a small amount of accessories made from natural materials – and voila, here it is a New Year’s interior in the “hygge” style. White textiles with a Scandinavian ethnic pattern, a white lampshade, simple white candles – choose decorative elements in white and light colors. And decorate the festive table with Christmas tree branches, cones, dry orange slices and cinnamon sticks.

3. Cheerfulness and ethnic motivesHow to Decorate Your Home for New Year 2023

During the pandemic, we managed to miss noisy parties, social events and travel, so we are trying to make up for the lack of bright emotions in the New Year’s decor. Most people associate juicy colors and eclectic decorations with the holiday. Particular attention this season should be given to jewelry with ethnic motifs: tropical landscapes, hieroglyphs or animal prints. If you are rather tired of minimalism and the concept of “hygge” – this trend is definitely for you, arm yourself with creativity and add maximum colors to your holiday.

We hope that you will be inspired by our tips and be sure to create the interior of your dreams. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and wish you a joyful celebration of the holidays with your family and friends!

Quynh Luu Phuong Pham

Author and editor. I write about Interior designs, Beauty tips, IT services for business, Real estate and foreign trade. Strongly passionate about games, comics, art, literature, design, fashion and decoration, I will tell you in detail the best stories in the world of beauty and will guide you through the most popular trends of the moment.